Thursday, April 28, 2016

—Léogane de toutes les promesses— Latest story from Gouter Aux Voyages

photo © patrice dougé All rights reserved
photo © patrice dougé All rights reserved
Just a short, colorful ride of about an hour and half from Port-Au-Prince and we were on the outskirts of Léogane. We didn't drive into the city—half a mile past the Momance river bridge, we took a left turn in front of a billboard for a nightclub as stated in the directions we had printed on our schedule. We rolled down  the car windows once we began riding on a narrow dirt road off the highway, and the rain from the night before gave off that fresh Earthy smell and a faint odor of sugarcane filled the car as we drove further inland.  George Valmé, whom I have been friends with on social media for a number of years, was our first assignment of the day. Since he is very well known in the area, finding his location in Haut Macombe wasn't too hard. In spite of the heat and humidity for this time of the year it was awesome to be in the countryside again. The following are excerpts from the article written by Jean Euphele Milcé : ''Combien de fois avons-nous tenté la traversée de Leogane, porte d’entrée du Grand Sud, sans oser un arrêt, un détour pour emprunter une de ses dizaines de culs-de-sac qui, en général, se meurent dans un lakou , dans une guildive ou dans un champ infini de canne?  Le restaurant d’Au Bon Café n’a qu’une table longue d’une vingtaine de couverts dans une salle ouverte sur la cuisine. La présence de Miguerline, Wilna et Lovely tantôt cuisinières tantôt serveuses relève de  ces petits détails qui ne peuvent que renforcer l’originalité de l’expérience.''